Jamie Morton’s dad wrote a porno. So he grabbed two of his friends and made a podcast of them reading it. It’s like Mystery Science Theater 3000, but with an amateur erotic novel. I guess it should go without saying, but in case you need it spelled out, this one is NSFW and funny as hell.
The ‘How Did This Get Made’ of video games. They play terrible movies and then PASSIONATELY discuss everything around it.
You’ll want to start at the beginning for this one – it’s about a podcaster who falls through a portal behind a Burger King into a magical land called Foon. He interviews the locals and I won’t say more because spoilers!
Cast as “three rude boys ruin pop culture through dumb questions,” Jackson Baly, Joel Zammit, and Joel Duscher take a crass and creative approach in answering questions that no one asked about their favorite media. Be warned though at least I’m not sure I’ll look at Professor X the same way again.
Ever want to listen to two podcasters spend an hour eating 100 chicken nuggets? No more to say here.