
The Best Comedy Podcasts You’ve Never Heard Of

My Dad Wrote a Porno | S1E1 - 'The Job Interview'

Jamie Morton’s dad wrote a porno. So he grabbed two of his friends and made a podcast of them reading it. It’s like Mystery Science Theater 3000, but with an amateur erotic novel. I guess it should go without saying, but in case you need it spelled out, this one is NSFW and funny as hell.

How did this get played? | Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

The ‘How Did This Get Made’ of video games. They play terrible movies and then PASSIONATELY discuss everything around it.

Hello from the magic tavern | 1 - Hello from the Magic Tavern

You’ll want to start at the beginning for this one – it’s about a podcaster who falls through a portal behind a Burger King into a magical land called Foon. He interviews the locals and I won’t say more because spoilers!

Plumbing the Death Star | What are the Benefits of Leaving the Matrix? with Alexei Toliopoulos

Cast as “three rude boys ruin pop culture through dumb questions,” Jackson Baly, Joel Zammit, and Joel Duscher take a crass and creative approach in answering questions that no one asked about their favorite media. Be warned though at least I’m not sure I’ll look at Professor X the same way again.

How To Start A Podcast | Eating 100 Chicken Nuggets in an Hour

Ever want to listen to two podcasters spend an hour eating 100 chicken nuggets? No more to say here.

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